Unless you live somewhere that has safe road cycling routes or mountain biking trails on your doorstep, you’re going to need to transport your bicycle by car. This is usually only something you think about once you walk out the bike shop with your new bike. You need a bike carrier rack. Yes, they can be costly, but they do last a long time, so see it as an investment rather than a cost. Bearing this in mind, here are your options:
Not many brands do roof racks. Thule is by far the leader in this area and will have a roof rack to fit almost any car (not all cars have similar rooves!) Carrying your bike on the roof makes great use of vertical space and it means you don’t have to fit a towbar. It does however mean that you have to lift your bike above your head to fit and remove it to the racks, which can be a challenge for some, especially women, who tend to be shorter and weaker. There’s also the constant risk of forgetting you have a bike/s on the roof and can drive under a low roof or beam, which usually results in regret, frustration and making use of your bicycle insurance…
A number of brands offer a rear-mount rack, which fits to the rear of your car with straps. While it’s the most difficult of all the racks to fit, it’s the most cost-effective type of rack because you don’t need to have a towbar fitted. Once you have fitted your rear-mount rack a few times, you’ll get the hang of it. Rear-mount cycle racks usually carry the bike by the top-tube, which can, over time, create some extra wear and tear on the paint, but you can also protect the toptube with a chamois leather cloth wrapped where the bike rack clamps.
Towbar racks (as pictured above) are generally the most efficient and popular. The caveat is that you have to have a towbar fitted to your car (if you don’t already have one) and that’s not cheap. There are a wide range of towbar racks available too, accommodating all budgets and needs. Towbar racks are usually platform racks, which means the bikes wheels are secured on a platform with the frame clamped additionally for stability. They usually come with rear lights and a number-plate mount to ensure that you remain compliant with the law of having your rear lights and number plate visible at all times.
Lynnwood Cyclery stocks a range of bike racks. Check them out here.