In a digital world that’s favouring online shopping convenience, easy price comparisons and rapid delivery, your local bike shop still rocks. Here are 11 reasons why.

Humans work there: Online shopping is obviously very convenient. And for certain items, such as a new tyre that you know well and just need to replace, it’s great. But the World Wide Web doesn’t have compassion or empathy, which is what you will always find when you deal with a human at your local bike shop. 

Your local workshop: While your local bike shop sells a range of bikes, gear, accessories and more, it’s greatest asset is its workshop. Bicycles need maintenance, repair and TLC. Your local bike shop employs skilled, experienced staff and invests in all the right tools. The value of this is immense and it’s definitely not something you will find online…

The right product for your area: Local bike shops are in touch with their community. They stock product that’s appropriate for the type of riding that’s dominant in the area. And they tend to stock a wide range of that product, giving you choice! 

Local riding advice: The staff at your local bike shop have experience with what works and what may be a challenge in your area. They interact with customers like you every day, all day, so they usually can solve a problem you might have. Or can recommend which tyre is best for the local conditions, where you can ride safely and more…

Emergency support: While they don’t promote it, your local bike shop staff will offer you emergency support – within reason. The better your relationship with them, the more likely they will go out of their way to assist you. It’s how humans are. Many a local bike shop has come to a customer’s rescue. Customer loyalty is usually all that’s needed in return, or a round of coffees or beers for your rescuers.

Demo bikes: Most local bikes shops stock a few demo bikes. This is a great way to help you make a buying decision and not something that’s available when you’re shopping online. Bike design is constantly changing. A Medium may be the right size on your current, but a Large in the new design might suit you better. You can only know with a demo ride.

Try it on! Buying clothing, helmets, shoes, gloves and eyewear is all possible online. But what if it doesn’t fit you properly or suit you when it arrives? At your local bike shop you get to try things on when shopping. Never underestimate the value of this opportunity.

Professional assembly: The workshop staff at your local bike shop build bikes every day. They do it properly. You know that if you buy a bike there, it will be professionally assembled. That’s peace of mind you can only get from your local bike shop.

Bike fitment: Good local bike shops offer a bike fitment service. Yes, you pay extra, but this is essential to ensure you have optimal control and long-ride comfort. Why would you invest huge amounts of money and time into your riding and not ensure it’s as enjoyable as possible.

Warranty service: While the quality of bicycles and components continues to improve and is leaps and bounds better than what it was 15-20 years ago, things still can go wrong. Your local bike shop is able to manage any issues you may have and ensure that any warranty is managed professionally and efficiently (there are obviously some conditions involved in each warranty that need to be met).

Community support: Good local bike shops offer regular shop rides or have a club that’s affiliated to the shop. This is a valuable community, especially if you want to do regular rides that are safe and stimulating. It’s also a great way to build a social life linked to your love for riding bicycles.

Lynnwood Cyclery is proud to be a trusted local bike shop to many passionate cyclists and mountain bikers in the Pretoria region. We also now offer online shopping, but we still prefer to interact with you smiling face to smiling face. Check out our online store here. https://www.lynnwoodcyclery.co.za/collections/on-promotion